Come Visit

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You are Welcome!

One of our greatest privileges as a church is to gather together and worship the one true God each and every Lord’s Day (Sunday)—the day when our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was raised from the dead!

Because this time of corporate worship is so important and meaningful to us, we want to share it with you! On this page you will find links that may be helpful in planning a visit or getting more connected to our church such as the times we meet, what you can expect when you arrive on a Sunday, directions for how to find us, as well as information regarding accessibility for those with special needs.


At Church of the Open Bible, we want all of our worship to be “by the book”, that is, according to the Bible. As we look at what the New Testament prescribes for Christians today, we see that God wants us to worship Him together by reading the Word, singing the Word, praying the Word, preaching the Word, and seeing the Word in the Lord’s supper and baptism. All of this we do in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, in spirit and in truth, and with reverence and awe. We invite you to come and worship with us in this way each week!

Lord’s Day Worship Services

11:00am (September to June)

10:30am (June to September)

As you scroll through this page you will find links to more information on what you can expect when you come for a worship service, directions on how to find us in Swift Current, and questions and information regarding accessibility. If you find yourself with any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact the church office or fill out our Guest Form and we will try respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

Thank you for being our guest today!


Thank you for considering visiting us at Church of the Open Bible! Now let’s take some time to figure out how you can find us. Below you will find a map with directions to our church as well as written instructions for how to find us coming from all directions surrounding Swift Current. You will also find some information regarding our bus service and parking.


I’m coming from Regina.

  • When you get to Swift Current, take your first exit (toward Canadian Tire, Walmart and the Swift Current Mall).

  • Turn left (south) onto Highway 4 and go under the overpass.

  • Continue south on Highway 4 passed the iPlex.

  • Turn right (west) onto Chaplain St. E.

  • Turn right (north) onto 19th Ave NE. The church will be on the left (west) side of 19th Ave. at the top of the hill.

I’m coming from Medicine Hat.

  • When you get to Swift Current, continue on Highway 1 until the Highway 4 exit.

  • Turn right (south) onto Highway 4 and go under the overpass.

  • Continue south on Highway 4 passed the iPlex.

  • Turn right (west) onto Chaplain St. E.

  • Turn right (north) onto 19th Ave NE. The church will be on the left (west) side of 19th Ave. at the top of the hill.

I’m coming from Saskatoon.

  • When you get to Swift Current, stay on Highway 4 as it veers east—running behind the casino, Great Canadian Wholesale and the Swift Current Mall—and then south.

  • Continue south on Highway 4 passed the iPlex.

  • Turn right (west) onto Chaplain St. E.

  • Turn right (north) onto 19th Ave NE. The church will be on the left (west) side of 19th Ave. at the top of the hill.

I’m coming from Cadillac.

  • When you get to Swift Current, turn left (west) onto Chaplain St. E.

  • Turn right (north) onto 19th Ave NE. The church will be on the left (west) side of 19th Ave. at the top of the hill.


If you live in Swift Current and have trouble getting out on your own, we’d love to help you to join us in worship! Every Sunday the Church of the Open Bible provides a door-to-door bus service to meet this need. Please contact the church office to add your name and address to the list to stops.


We’ve got lots of room! There is a parking lot on the south-side of the building connected to the church as well as another on the other side of Bell St. E. In addition to these two lots, we also have ample street parking on both Bell St. E. and 19th Ave NE as well as the iPlex lots on the opposite side of 19th Ave.

Special Needs Parking: Both parking lots have spaces reserved nearest the church building for visitors with special needs. There is also reserved parking around the back of the building off of the alleyway running from Chaplain St. E. to Bell St. E.


Everyone is Welcome! The unity of the body of Christ—that is, the church—puts on display the glories of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour (1 Corinthians 1). It’s with that truth in mind that we strive to make our corporate worship experiences as accessible for everyone as we possibly can. Working within the constraints of the building God has blessed us with, you’ll find below some guidelines for assisting with your visit and your experience in worship at the Church of the Open Bible.

Mobility: Reserved parking spaces are located near the church building in both the south and north parking lots. There are also reserved parking spots located in the alley that runs behind the church building (running from Chaplain St. E. to Bell St. E.). On the north side of the building there is a round-about driveway available for drop-offs and pick-ups.

Inside the church building we have an elevator allowing all congregants to access both floors. Equip Classes and potluck lunches, for example, typically take place on the bottom level of the church. This elevator is located next to the main office. Please ask an usher for directions if the need arises.

Visual Impairment: Large-print Bibles are available upon request. Please ask an usher to borrow one as you are being greeted and walked to your seat. 

Food Allergies: The bread used for celebrating the Lord’s Supper is gluten-free. Our Equip Classes for all ages can sometimes involve snacks. If you or your child have any food allergies, please let the teacher know at the start of class or contact our Children’s Coordinator in advance.


Equip Classes are run from September through June at 9:30am. There’s something for everyoneguests included! However, regardless of the age group, the goal is the same: To open up the Bible together and learn what it says, what it means and what we, as God’s people, are supposed to do in response. For current class locations, teachers, and curriculum information, please see the whiteboard at the Info Table in the church foyer.

Equip Classes are generally participation-driven, though you won’t feel pressure to contribute. We feel this discussion-friendly environment is important for learning and relationship-building and is made possible because of the smaller group sizes. Classes all last about an hour, leaving plenty of time for the participants to transition to the sanctuary for corporate worship during the 11:00am time-slot.


In an attempt to help new-comers and visitors understand what it’s like when we gather as a church each week, we have provided descriptions of each of our Sunday-morning happenings. Generally, our worship services are characterized by practical and faithful teaching from the Bible, God-celebrating corporate singing, and friendly interaction with one another and guests. But don’t take our word for it! Come on out on a Sunday morning and see for yourself!